Klevr Integration Hub on Azure

Klevr Integration Hub is a completely cloud-based service based on Microsoft’s Integration best practices and our experience implementing hundreds of business-critical integrations.

What is Klevr Integration Hub?

Klevr Integration Hub is a completely cloud-based service based on Microsoft’s Integration best practices and our experience implementing hundreds of business-critical integrations.

  • Versatile: Suits clients with low volume, two-system integration requirements, through to high-volume, multi-system, enterprise level integration needs.
  • Rapid Development: Provides support for common integration endpoint types out-of-the-box to allow rapid and inexpensive development.
  • Flexible: Automates the build and deployment of native Azure services (via Azure DevOps) so there is no operational lock-in to a proprietary integration technology framework.
  • Hosting Options: Can be hosted by the Walkerscott as a managed service or the client in their Azure tenancy.


Klevr Integration Hub Process

We find clients can reduce their integration build time/costs by up to 75% compared with developing integration “by hand” using Azure iPaaS services

  • All integrations are composed of small “workflow definitions” which are joined via a pub/sub model.
    • Inbound workflows;
    • Transform workflows;
    • Routing workflows;
    • Outbound workflows.
  • These workflows are easily joined together to make complex integration requirements quick and easy to build.
  • What’s more, workflows are not “hand written” – every workflow type has a small, simple to use workflow definition file.
  • So, to create an integration we:
    • Define the overall integration (inbound workflow, any transform and routing required, and the outbound workflow).
    • Create the small definition files needed – anywhere from two to a dozen or so (for really, really complex integrations).
    • Commit the definition files to Azure DevOps.
  • And that’s it! The Klevr Integration Hub deployment system deploys everything needed – the infrastructure and the integration, ready to go.

Solution Overview

Klevr Integration Hub enforces the implementation of integration best practices and automates the build and deployment of native Azure services (via Azure DevOps) so there is no operational lock-in to a proprietary integration technology framework.

The native Azure services that are automatically built and deployed include, but are not limited to:

  • API Management
  • Logic App Connectors and Workflows
  • Function Apps and App Service Plans
  • Service Bus
  • Event Grid Subscriptions
  • Blob Storage
  • Application Insights and Alerts

General Benefits

  • Best Practice: Integration best practices incorporated through common patterns, libraries and templates
  • Solid Development Roadmap: Microsoft continual investment in Azure iPaaS services
  • Automated Deployments: Fully automated deployments (infrastructure and integration code) via Azure DevOps
  • Choice of connectors: Access to hundreds of OOTB Azure Logic App connectors, for example:
    • Dataverse, Business Central, Salesforce
    • Azure Services
    • SQL Server, Datalake
    • S/FTP, Blob, Email
    • AWS S3
  • Diverse workflow support: Transformations, routing
  • Persistent data storage: Caching, lookups, transforms etc.
  • PGP encryption/decryption
  • Loosely Coupled Integrations: Integrations are loosely coupled, which means:
    • they are resilient to change/outages and volume overload
    • systems don’t need to be aware of each other
  • Integration Management Dashboard: Extensive management dashboard and robust alerting to rapidly surface integration issues
  • Distributed Message Tracing
  • Message De-duplication
  • Large File Support: e.g. splitting, merging
  • Payload Splitting: Payload splitting to increase parallelism + token based locking to reduce parallelism
  • API Controls: API rate limiting, throttling, whitelisting, fixed IP options
  • Secure API: API Auth support for HTTP Basic, OAuth2, and Custom
  • Developer Friendly: Option for a developer portal with API documentation and self service API token management